19 may 2024


Why join the TransRiviera?

1. Breathtaking Routes 🏞️: Traverse diverse landscapes, from mountains to the Mediterranean coast, along trails offering breathtaking views.
2. Vibrant Atmosphere 🎉: Immerse yourself in an electric atmosphere where the passion for racing meets natural beauty. Meet other runners who share the same passion and create unforgettable memories.
3. Personal Challenge 🎯: Whether you’re a seasoned runner or looking to take on a new challenge, the TransRiviera is for you.
4. Well-Organized Event 💎: Enjoy flawless organization with strategically placed aid stations, a medical team, and impeccable logistics to allow you to focus on your performance and enjoyment.

Chose your best format

TRANS RIVIERA / THE Classic : TENDE- Menton, stade Saint Roman

85km +2700m -3400m

From TENDE, discover the most beautiful but also the most demanding paths of the Riviera, up and down to Menton, stade Saint Roman
Between these two extraordinary points, you will get to enjoy a breathtaking route both for its technical interest and for the sublime landscapes of plains, valleys and forests crossed. You might even be riding through some WW2 blockhaus !

Ranking solo and DUO


e-TRANS RIVIERA by Loisibike (EBIKE) / TENDE - Menton, stade Saint Roman

77km +2700m -3400m

The Transriviera adventure for ebike riders ! Come and enjoy an incredible experience riding this extra-long ride, with the assistance of Loisibike crew who will carry your spare(s) batteries !
For the first time, ebike will be starting first from Tende, 15mn before the “muscular” bikes

4 autonomy ranking :

  • E-Bike 620 (2 batteries of  620Wh) :
    • 1st battery Tende – Piene Haute : 45km +1645m -1880m
    • 2nd battery Piene Haute – Menton: 40km +1100m -1400m
  • E-Bike 1500 :
    • 3 batteries of 500Wh
      • 1st battery Tende – Breil : 35km +1200m -1800m
      • 2nd battery Breil – Sospel : 20km +600m -500m
      • 3rd battery Sospel – Menton : 31km +1100m -1400m
    • 2 batteries of750Wh
      • 1st battery Tende – Piene Haute : 45km +1645m -1880m
      • 2nd battery Piene Haute – Menton: 40km +1100m -1400m
  • E-Bike Light (60 Nm maxi, extenders authorized in free gestion)
  • Chargeur (battery reloading* in neutralised (out of the timing) zone, for all kind of batteries)



TRANS RIVIERA 60km : BREIL SUR ROYA - Menton, stade Saint Roman

50km +1500m -1750m

Willing to get a taste of the TRANSRIVIERA adventure without to deal with the long distance track? Start at the middle of the race track, in Breil sur Roya and enjoy the last part of the race, which is the best one ! Ebikes are also welcome, no battery control.



RANDO RIVIERA : SOSPEL - Menton, stade Saint Roman

30km +900m -1100m

NEW start from Sospel for an epic MTB or eMTB tour for all the nature lovers willing to discover a piece of the Transriviera experience, with all the time you want to reach the finish line !


Solo or as a Duo !

Alone we go faster, together we go further !

Together we’re stronger! Stick together all the way to the finish to try and win the race as a duo. You’ll need to help each other out, because only the time of the last person to cross the line counts for the duo, plus any “solidarity gap” between the first and last team-mates if the team doesn’t cross the finish line together. This calculation formula will encourage the Duos to stay together until the finish line, for better or for worse. Each rider in the team will also be ranked individually in the overall classification.

Open only to participants MTB 85km



16h30 – 19h : frame plate withdrawal – Magasin CHULLANKA ANTIBES


14h00 : Menton – Tende shuttle boarding – departure at 2:30pm, arrival around 16:15  (on demand +25€ with the registration)
16h00 – 18h45 : frame plate withdrawal / ebike battery deposit – TENDE

19h30 : briefing & dinner in Tende  (optionnal, to pay extra with the registration) 



5h30 : bus shuttle loading Menton – Tende – departure 6h00 (on demand +25€ with the registration)

7h30 – 8h15 : frame plate withdrawal Transriviera (careful, we recommand you to pick it up before (friday in Antibes or Saturday in Tende for more fluidity) 

7h00 -8h00 : battery deposit / bike check – Loisibike booth
8h00 : e-riders entry on the starting lines
8h30 : Start e-TRANSRIVIERA 77km by Loisibike

Classic MTB
8h30 : Trans : riders entry on the starting lines
8h45 : Start TRANSRIVIERA 85km Tende – Menton, stade Saint Roman


7h00 : shuttle Menton  – Breil boarding : departure 7h30, arrival around 8h45   (on demand +25€ with the registration)

8h30-10h30 : frameplate TRANSRIVIERA 50km withdrawal, magasin Recycle2.d, Breil sur Roya
From 10h00 : riders entry on the starting lines
11h00 : start e-Transriviera 50km EBIKE
11h10 : start Transriviera 50km MTB


7h00 : shuttle Menton  – SOSPEL boarding, departure 7h30, arrival around 8h30 (on demand +25€ with the registration)
8h30 – 9h30 : frameplate withdrawal – Sospel
From 9h to 10h : free starts Rando Riviera 30km Sospel Menton

From 11h30 : first arrivals and lunch at the finish in Menton, stade Saint Roman

From 14h : Award ceremony
18h30 : End of the timing
19h : return shuttle to Tende (on demand, +25% with the registration)


Time barriers

For your safety, time limits are set beyond which the competitor is no longer beyond which the competitor is not allowed to continue the race. After the time limit, the plate will be crossed  out and a discharge will be filled in if you want to keep going under your own responsibility.

Breil sur Roya : 12h15
Sospel : 14h30
Col de Braus : 16h45
Col des Banquettes : 17h45
Monti : 18h30

End of finish timing : 19h30


Where to sleep ?

  • Hotel next to your start place (Sospel / Breil ou Tende) : there are several accomodation offers there (hotels, Airbnb, B&B…) that you will easily find online, or by calling the tourism office :
    • Tende : 04 83 93 98 82
    • Breil sur Roya : 04 83 93 98 34
    • Sospel : 04 83 93 95 70
  • Transriviera accomodation package TENDE : if you prefer to live the Transriviera experience with all the others riders and you’re not afraid of snoring we recommand you to camp with us and enjoy a nice great dinner all togehter (see details below) 
  • In MENTON :  you can also enjoy a nice evening on the sea side in Menton, where there are plenty of accomodation available and use our shuttle service early in the morning to drive you up to your start !

Accommodation 5€

Due to the consequences of Storm Alex, the accommodation options are quite limited, so don’t delay in booking. If you can’t find lodging options for Saturday night, we can offer, with the support of the Departmental Council and the Municipality of Tende, to spend the night in :

  • The Saint Dalmas de Tende gymnasium (showers and toilets available):
    • Distance from gymnasium to start in Tende: 4km +140m, to be covered by bike in the morning before the start. We will transport your belongings from the gymnasium to the finish line (Menton, stade Saint Roman) (please prepare a closed bag with your bib number).
  • The municipal campsite of Tende (700m from the start)
    Please bring all necessary equipment for spending the night (sleeping mat, sleeping bag, towel, camping tent, etc.).

Dinner + breakfast 50€

A hot dinner and breakfast will be served in Saint Dalmas to those who have booked during registration, providing an opportunity to share a pleasant moment of conviviality with other runners and the organizing team, to benefit from a briefing the day before the race, and most importantly, to eat well before your physical challenge.


How do I get to the start?

Bus shuttle from MENTON :

  • Format 84km :
    • Saturday : Menton-Tende : meeting at 2:00pm
    • Sunday MORNING : Menton-Tende meeting at 5:30am
    • Sunday EVENING after the race : Menton-Tende leaving at 19h, or ealier if full
  • Format 50km :  shuttle Menton – Breil meeting 7h30
  • Rando 30km :  shuttle Menton – Sospel meeting 7h30

Regular bus service for only €2

Buses run between Menton and the valleys and are equipped with bike racks (only 4 per bus) so you can get to your start or collect your bike after the race for only €2! Please note that places are limited and cannot be reserved. Don’t hesitate to contact the Zest transport company for more details: +33 4 93 35 93 60 /

The Train des Merveilles race !

A fabulous historic railway line links Nice to the valleys of the Bévéra and Roya! It’s the ideal way to get to your departure point: low CO2 emissions, comfortable and picturesque!

Take advantage of this incredible rail connection to reach Tende or Breil sur Roya in an idyllic setting with the support of the Region SUD (Provence, Alpes Côte d’Azur) and SNCF TER which will specially double its trains and equip them to ensure the transport of your mountain bikes especially for you!

  • Saturday 18 may :
      • Nice Ville 14h51 :
      • Tende arrivée 17h10
  • Sunday 19 may :
      • Nice Ville departure 7:40am
      • Sospel arrivée 8:40
      • Breil arrivée 8:52

Bag locker :
A baggage locker is available. Leave your bag with the organisers at the entrance to the gate (maximum 8 kg, rucksack type). Write your race number on the bag.

TheTransriviera registration includes :

The participation to the TRANSRIVIERA race
The TRANSRIVIERA riders gift
Live timing with split times
Timing chip
Quality food stations
Hot meal at the finish and craft beer
Frame plate
Finisher medal
Technical assistance spot on track
Prize money for winners and gift for all category winners
Rescue services


Cancellation insurance (conditions) : +11.5% of the total
Multisport insurance  : 8€/j
Accomodation package : 5€
Dinner + breakfast : 50€
Sunday companion meal at the finish : 19€
Battery rental : Loisibike Côte d’Azur 04 93 36 47 96

Required equipment

a helmet
a cell phone
a food supply
a water supply – 1.5 l minimum
Survival blanket
a windbreaker
number plate complete with flap card and number with chip
A lamp (headlamp or ideally on the handlebars)